Tuesday, May 4, 2010

So Day!

"So day" was a spelling mistake made by one of my bosses at work.  I think they meant to write "Some Day" as in reference to "wow we had such a crazy day".  Anyway "so day" is now what I and my work pal use when we have a rough or crazy day.  I had an insane day, one you never see coming till its too late and whacking you on the back of your head with a giant cold fish.  Ha, something smells fishy

Monday, May 3, 2010

I know myself fairly well; loving, stubborn, sarcastic, laid back, goofy, Naive, dorky, artistic, mildly crazy, and barely vindictive. Its just the translating it into a life style that's tricky. Most of the time I feel like I don't really fit in anywhere, but it keeps me humble. Everyday for me is a start into something that is unfamiliar and a bit unsettling but my goals are simple, to love with my whole heart no matter the cost. I don't want to be hindered by expectations or regrets. I am not the best of person, but I am not the worst of person

Friday, January 15, 2010

who knows best

There once was a girl who was helping out someone she cared about. It was a very important task that this girl was performing, probably on the top of the "important tasks to do" list, and the helpee was very greatful. The girl was becoming tired though, it was a hard task, not very many people would take on such a task. So even though she did what she promised to do she would complain and whine to herself. Now the girl knew this was taking away from the kind gesture she was performing but it was hard to stop. The girl was exahusted and missed her friends, for the task kept her immensly busy and had no time to play. The task was fulfilling and at times the girl enjoyed it , but she was having trouble keeping from being upset and resentful when the task grew harder. Was this girl being horrible for fussing? Was the effort she was putting out being canceled by her whines?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

If wishes were horses....

I wish I didn't love sleeping so much, I might actually be able to get something done for a change.

I wish I could find the perfect pair of jeans that showed off my butt but didn't give me a muffin top.

I wish I never ever had a muffin top no matter what jeans I wore

I wish I was never intimated by anyone

I wish that when I looked in a mirror I would stop looking straight at my flaws

I wish I would stop looking in a mirror so much (vain kitten)

I wish people stopped just thinking i am a "princess" for all that I have and realize that I made good choices instead of just being spoiled.

I wish my hair was never frizzy

I wish I could swim in the ocean and not get eaten by a shark

I wish shaving never existed

I wish gyms weren't so expensive

I wish I had enough discipline to work out without going to the gym

Friday, October 30, 2009

Stupid day

I am simply worn out. These dramatic antics are ridiculous and childish. I can't even comprehend the stupidity of it all. All I want to say is Don't be hatin' !

Monday, October 26, 2009

BLah, so behind in life! I can never seem to keep up with anything. My kitchen sink is piled high with dishes even though I just washed some the other day I think... I can't keep in touch with people for the life of me, and I am supposed to be making a grocery list right now but I am stalling.

Obligations are the worst, I think I have an obligation phobia. I go out of my way to avoid them almost. Not sure why. Someday I think I would like to have a psychologist pick apart my brain and tell me what is wrong with me. Avoiding obligations though is much harder then facing them, probably. I think sometimes I even cut myself off from people just to avoid obligations. I feel cut off anyway. Am I people? Haha as no one reads this...there is my answer.

Anyway, to change the subject, I need to learn to drive in the city. Why does Pittsburgh have to be so confusing?